Congratulation: New Terengganu Chief Minister
Persatuan Taekwon-Do Negeri Terengganu (GTF) congratulate YAB Dato' Ahmad bin Said of Kijal, Kemaman for being appointed by Terengganu Royal as new State Chief Minister.
Long Live Menteri Besar.
YAB Dato' Ahmad bin Said actively involved in domestic political arena since age 19 as Vice-Chairman of UMNO Teluk Kalong Branch, Kemaman. Later he became committee member of Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Kemaman from 1982 to 1986.
His charismatic figure and competency in politics with strong party spirit and struggles had eventually made him elected by the people and became Member Of State Legislative Assembly (ADUN) of Kijal on 1st of August 1990.
He perpetuate the position as Adun of Kijal in the 8th General Election (PRU) (October 1990) and 9th PRU in 1995. However, the political scenario during 10th PRU (1999) fails to favour him as he lost to opposition.
Even so, in 11th PRU in 2004 had reversed back his political profession when he succeeds in winning people’s heart after he beat his challenger from Pas with the majority of 3,496 votes.
Thereof, he was appointed as the Chairman of Local Government and State Housing (2004-2008) representing the Barisan Nasional government after the party mandated by the people in 11th PRU.
Apart from that, he also had been selected as Ketua Pemuda (Youth Chief) of UMNO Kemaman and Ketua Pemuda UMNO Perhubungan Negeri. The fact remain that he maintained the post of UMNO Kemaman Chief since May 2001.
Being Teluk Kalong local, born in Kemaman on 15th of February 1957, he was deeply nurtured and grows in village life and his strong spirit had made him successfully put his feet into University Science of Malaysia (USM) in Bachelor of Political Science (Hons).
Prior to his tertiary education, he acquired knowledge in Maktab Adabi Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu (1975-1976) after finishing his primary and secondary in Sekolah Kebangsaan Teluk Kalong, Kemaman (1964-1969) And Sekolah Menengah Chukai, Kemaman (1970-1974).
Father to eight children of five boys and three girls, he is the person who is dedicated and committed with the task with deep experience in the administration of the State Government base on his high profile at various departments.
He began his career in administration as Assistant District Officer of Kemaman (1982-1985), then Second District Officer of Kemaman (1985-1986) and the Principal of Pusat Pupuk Semangat (1986- 1987). From 1988 until 1990, he became Assistant District Officer of Setiu before being selected to contest in Pilihan Raya Kecil Dun Kijal in 1990.
After winning the By-election, and became ADUN Kijal, he was appointed as Yang Dipertua Majlis Daerah Kemaman from 1990 to 1995.
His political career increased further and sealed him as the 13th Menteri Besar of Terengganu on 30th of March 2008.